That would make some killer wallpaper.
That would make some killer wallpaper.
i'm trying to reconcile the society's stats in the
awake, dec. 8th, page 8!
they claim that there's a 1 in 5,100 probability of being killed in a plane crash!
Wouldn't be the first time their numbers were wrong.
a friend of mine recommended i peruse this forum because he is of the impression i would find it rewarding.
the basis of his recommendation was due to a very long friendship and not due to any association (that i do not have) with jehovahs witnesses.
he considers me his superior in intellect and wants an appraisal of this sight but to be honest i have neither the incliniation nor the time to get in deep enough to comment.
Welcome to the board "Tis"
So you want the cheat sheet for this board?
Ain't none!
You have to read thousands of posts, just like the rest of us.
I am forgiving if some one apolagizes and means it. If there is little remorse then I am cautiouly forgiving. If a repeat offender with no remorse, I can hold a grudge for a lifetime. It all depends on how much I was hurt by the offense. I just resently let go of a grudge I held for 40 years. What I find more disturbing is if someone proves untrustworthy, I will never trust them again.
haven't seen mimilly in a while and i was wondering if anyone knows how she is doing.
thanks in advance.. ~beck~
Me Too!
who out there watches this show?
i enjoy the show (i usually find myself laughing at the disaster designs).. any comments about the show?
what do you think about the "graveyard" designer?
I also am a huge fan of Trading Spaces. Vern is a doll. I like Paige better then Alex. Genieveve is very sweet but does have annoying laugh. Who was that fruit cakey lady that did all the really weird stuff? She even looked weird! She hasn't been on in a long time, they must have thought she was weird too.
I really like Laurie and her work but I'm sorry I found her pregnancy annoying. If she held her stomach, or said "I'm Pregnant" one more time I was going to scream!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes lady we see you are pregnant, you aren't the first. Can you tell I'm lacking in nurture?
It always amazes me they pull a room together, when in the beginning you say "You have got to be kidding". The whole moss wall show was bad, remember they painted the other guys walls black (which he didn't want) and put concrete board down for a floor! What?*&%&%$
Ven, Andrew (While you were out) is a total HUNK
Edited by - Been There on 6 November 2002 19:31:36
my grandma was a remarkable woman, with a sense of humour that could crack me up.
and she had the determination to make everything she started a success.
she never gave up, and fought for everything she hold dear.
So sorry sweetie. No good words at a time like this.
my brother and his family have been jw's for over 10 years now.
i am not and no one else in my family is a jw.
my brother's son will be getting married shortly and we will be attending the service in the kh.
Would'nt want the bride changing her mind half way thru the ceremony would we?
I know the feeling. The second hundred seems to go a little faster.
i've got a question for you and just want to see how other people would have acted.
this story is not about me, of course, because i'm jesus and all but instead involves this guy that i know and will be writing from his point of view.
my wife's family is mostly great and i get along with them wonderfuly and always have.
Yes it was definatly the right thing to do.
Jesus, you took the sins of the world, this shouldn't be too tuff
(edited because I'm smiley impaired)
Edited by - Been There on 29 October 2002 19:39:55